WOLF BITES – Meeting Your Business needs!

We have developed a series of Walking With Wolves activities: 

  1. Learning at Lunch – Lite Bites
  2. Coaching in Lockdown
  3. Leadership Training Interventions

Lite Bites have been created for Virtual & Active Learning and to help sustain individual and team development – ‘Bites’ can last between 20 & 60 minutes to maximise impact and minimise disruption and look at soft skills such as Self-Actualisation and Self-Awareness.  Please get in touch for more information and to see how we can make the learning bespoke for your business

Contact Us

  • Address.

    Inspirati Ltd
    52 Asgard Drive
    MK41 0US
    Pauline Stewart: m: +44 (0) 7973 869867
  • Email.
