

Our ‘Personal High Performance Senior Coaching Programme’ for individuals or teams (programme delivered over a period of 6 months to allow implementation of learning) builds on delegates individual ability and competencies and ‘future ready’ for organisational opportunities and changes that may be presented.

By applying the principles of ‘DHARMA Coaching’ in the context of the achievement of corporate and departmental objectives supports continuous improvement within the workspace. Without professional development, coaching and mentoring, most people adopt classic behavioural styles of management that suppress, stifle and control the very people they are supposed to be developing for the future.

The programme has been designed for those who stand out re their capabilities and their attitude towards ‘change navigation’ within the organisation (often highlighted following Transformational Leadership delivery).

Contact Us

  • Address.

    Inspirati Ltd
    52 Asgard Drive
    MK41 0US
    Pauline Stewart: m: +44 (0) 7973 869867
  • Email.